How is the brain activity when studying?
While studying, different parts of the brain are activated at the same time. For example, parts of the back of the brain will be more active to shape the information that the eyes receive from the book while reading. To understand the complexities of the text, other parts of the brain that are located in the front part of the brain will come into action.
The mechanism of discovering changes in brain activity during different activities is possible using different tools, including fMRI. This technology helps scientists to examine brain activity while performing a task such as studying. In some forms of this test, attention is paid to changes in blood supply to the brain or oxygen consumption.
Most of the studies that have been done on reading a book and examining brain activity during it have led to an almost universal pattern in brain activity. First, islands in the frontal, temporal and occipital parts are activated and gradually they connect in parts.
Depending on the subject being studied, parts of these active areas may be more or less active. For example, when reading colorful texts or with many pictures, most of the activities are seen in the back of the brain, and when reading mathematical texts or with abstract concepts, the activities of the front of the brain may increase. When reading texts that require a language challenge, such as foreign or non-native texts, parts of the head and above the ears become more active.
In the pictures below, you can see examples of brain activity in different situations.