About the C4 Rest Wall device

Preliminary description

Tam C4 (formerly known as Betavan version 4), with the brand name Rustwall, which has the ability to put protocols on the platform of increasing people's comfort. This device will not be used for treatment and it is only for relaxation in people. The Rest Wall device can be effective within a radius of 1 meter and bring peace to people. The device has the ability to affect all people within a meter distance and there is no limit to the number of people. Tam's series of devices with technology (Li_RTMS Low intensity repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation) can stimulate brain cells by introducing electromagnetic waves. As a result, stimulation of brain cells by decreasing or increasing the activity of brain cells will eliminate disorders in time. The Rest Wall model, unlike other Tom models that can be moved, cannot be moved and is suitable for connecting to the wall. This device is suitable for hotels and entertainment complexes for public use.

Total advantages compared to foreign samples

Today, rTMS devices are working in the global market and are used in medical clinics. RTMS devices send waves with a value of up to 3 million microtesla to the brain, and the magnitude of this magnetic field will discharge the brain cells and also cause very few side effects, including headaches, for patients. In order to solve this problem, Tam's research group was able to reduce the intensity of the device's magnetic field to a maximum of 149.6 microtesla. These waves are so small that compared to the 400 micro-tesla magnetic field of the hair dryer that we interact with daily, it can be ignored. This 6000% reduction in the magnetic field helps, in addition to making the device more effective, the side effects are also reduced and it only stimulates the brain cells.

Features of Tam Restwall model

after sales service

Tam model C4 device will be provided with 1 year warranty and 9 years warranty. These services will be provided to customers directly from the original company and manufacturer. Up to one year, if there is a problem and there are no apparent problems, the device will be returned to the company and replaced with a new device. The warranty of the device will include all parts of the device


Device permissions

Product Specifications

Advantages of the device